Iceland’s Blue Lagoon Experience
The moment I booked my trip to Iceland, I was most excited about the Blue Lagoon and knew it would be a trip highlight. After seeing photos of it all over social media, I was unsure of whether it would be an overrated tourist trap or a relaxing spa treatment. Read on to discover my experience & a Blue Lagoon 101 for future travelers…
The Blue Lagoon is a geothermal spa located in southwestern Iceland, in a lava field on the Rekjanes Peninsula. Just a short drive away from the Keflavic International Airport, many travelers opt to head straight there upon arrival in Iceland or they make it the very last stop on the way TO the airport, right before their flight. (Not my ideal scenario, but whatever works for you).
Overall, I loved the Blue Lagoon! I went there on my 4th day in Iceland after a LONG but incredible 10-hour tour of the Golden Circle the day before. So, a time of relaxation was very much needed.
When you first arrive to the Blue Lagoon – either by car or bus – you walk down a paved sidewalk, past the Blue Lagoon sign, to reach the building entrance. Before entering the facility, make note of the path that veers off to the left. This is a hidden gem tourists often miss! Walking down this direction will give you unobstructed views of the lagoon where swimmers are not allowed. This is how I captured some of my favorite photos of the milky water.

For those who do not want to pay to go inside the swimming portion of the lagoon, this option is wonderful. You’ll still have a feel of the natural beauty without paying the price.
Your first Blue Lagoon Experience will be a blast! There are lines you have to go through to check-in. Upon checking in, you will receive a wrist band that will be your best friend throughout the day. You’ll be guided into a locker room to change, where you can use your wristband to secure a locker. I had to ask a worker how to use the wristband… it’s confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it, you’re all set! Basically you find an open locker, scan your wristband, put your stuff in the locker, close the locker, and then scan your wristband again to lock it.
After you’re changed into a swimsuit, the workers will ask you to “shower” before leaving the locker room. All you have to do is go into one of the stalls, rinse off, and apply the optional hair conditioner.
I highly recommend using the leave-in conditioner provided. The chemicals in the lagoon will make your hair miserable to maintain for a few days. If this doesn’t bother you, feel free to dunk your head underwater all day long. But, if you’re like me (someone who hates crazy hair), PLEASE use the conditioner & put your hair in a high bun!
You’re ready to enter the amazing, unforgettable, Blue Lagoon!

Entering the milky blue water for the first time is such a fun moment. One of my biggest worries was still being cold, even in the water. However, the lagoon’s 99-100°F water temperature combined with Iceland’s refreshing air makes for the perfect combination.
I loved wading through the water to get a lay of the land. There are bridges to swim under, waterfalls to explore, natural steam to walk through, and floating kiosks where you can help yourself to unlimited silica masks and beverages. Well, the beverages aren’t unlimited… but you just scan your wristband and pay when you check out!
Rubbing the silica mask all over my face was a hilarious & fun experience. The lagoon’s milky blue shade is actually a result of the silica masks that rub off into the water (gross, I know, but don’t think about that!). It’s really the only way to get the mask off, and everyone does it. Don’t be a germaphobe and let that stop you from wearing a mask. And make sure to capture the unforgettable memory.

Speaking of “capturing” the memory, bring either a lifeproof or waterproof phone case or a GoPro. The water can really damage your devices if you do not protect them with the proper gear. I brought both my lifeproof phone case & GoPro to photograph while in the water… and I’m so glad I did! Another recommendation is to not wait too long to take your posed Instagram photos. If getting those Instagram-worthy photos are a complete must, just have someone photograph them as early as possible. You don’t want to wait until the end of the day… when the silica mask is smeared, makeup is runny, and hair is floppy.
After capturing your memories and exploring the area, spend the rest of your time relaxing in the lagoon. The area is so large that you can easily find a quiet spot to relax, away from others. The Blue Lagoon is a truly magical experience that I would do all over again. You can spend as much time there are you want, but once you check out, you cannot enter the lagoon anymore. We arrived at 11AM and left around 5pm and felt that we had enough time to enjoy ourselves. I suggest eating at one of the yummy cafes when you do check out (& before you actually leave), as well as visiting the gift shop to bring home expensive, but well-worth-it products. The Blue Lagoon is one of the only places to eat & shop until you reach the city center of Reykjavík, so fill up while you can.
Well, that’s it! That is my experience with the amazing, peaceful, relaxing, and photogenic Blue Lagoon. Is it now on your bucket list?

Address: Nordurljosavegur 9, 240 Grindavík, Iceland
Admission: See website for latest details
Website: https://www.bluelagoon.com/